
GK611 晨祷生命读经
主讲: 郑伟健实习传道


一、硬心的本质(出 8:5-7,13-15,18-19,25-28,32)

1. 自以为很聪明(V5-7, 18)


2. 好了伤忘了疼 (V13-15, 9, 32)


3. 喜欢讨价还价(V8-10, 25-28)

法老说:“你们可以去祭祀,但别走太远。” 更是提出目的是让以色列人在这地祭祀,而不是离开埃及往旷野去。这显示他表面顺服,实则仍想掌控局势。撒但也常用这种方式欺骗基督徒,让我们"不走太远",仍然留在世界里,不愿意完全归向神。

二、顺服的特质(出 8:8,28)

1. 不是暂时低头(V8)


2. 不是部分顺服(V28)

法老试图让以色列人"部分"顺服,但神要求他们完全的分别为圣。今天,神也不要我们只是“信一半”,而是全然跟随祂。我们是否在某些领域愿意顺服神,而在其他方面仍自己做主? 例如,信主后仍然不愿意放下某些不讨神喜悦的习惯。

三、神对人的回应(出 8:1-4, 8-12, 16-17, 23-24)

1. 硬心的得灾祸(V1-4, 16-17, 23-24)


2. 顺服的得平安(V8-12)



检查内心、立即行动、相信应许。 三问反思:1.我的生命中是否有「部分掌权」领域? 2.面对神的管教,我是寻求「灾停」还是「悔改」? 3.如何活出「不再硬心」的盟约生命?

Exodus 8
Hardheartedness brings hardship, but obedience brings peace

GK611 Morning Devotion
The Morning Devotion Speaker: IP Asher

Introduction:A hard-hearted will only make oneself suffer

I. The nature of a hard heart (Exodus 8:5-7, 13-15, 18-19, 25-28, 32)

1. Thinking oneself is smart (V5-7, 18)

Pharaoh’s magicians tried to imitate miracles, turning water into blood and summoning frogs to the earth, but they could not solve the problem. They only made the frogs multiply but could not get rid of these annoying frogs. By the third plague, the magicians were completely powerless, because only God could create life, and only then did they admit their own limitations. Thinking they were smart but only created greater chaos. 2. The hurt is healed yet the pain is forgotten (V13-15, 19, 32)

As soon as the frog died and the flies left, Pharaoh immediately repented and mistook God's tolerance for weakness. When Pharaoh encountered a disaster, he asked Moses to pray, but when God showed mercy to him and removed the disaster, he immediately turned his back and refused to admit it. This shows that he just wants to escape suffering but has no real repentance.

3. Likes to bargain (V8-10, 25-28)

Pharaoh said: "You can go and offer sacrifices, but don't go too far." He also stated that the purpose was for the Israelites to offer sacrifices here instead of leaving Egypt and going to the wilderness. This shows that he is submissive on the surface but still wants to take control of the situation. Satan also often uses this method to deceive Christians, causing us to "not go too far" and remain in the world, unwilling to fully turn to God.

II. Characteristics of obedience (Exodus 8:8, 28)

1. Not bowing temporarily (V8)

Pharaoh asked Moses to pray many times, but he never truly surrendered. His belief is just "crisis management", not life-changing.

2. Not partial submission (V28)

Pharaoh tried to get the Israelites to "partially" obey, but God required complete sanctification. Today, God does not want us to “believe only half” but to follow Him completely. Are we willing to obey God in some areas while still making our own decisions in other areas? For example, after believing in the Lord, you may still be unwilling to let go of certain habits that do not please God.

III. God’s response to man (Exodus 8:1-4, 8-12, 16-17, 23-24)

1. The hard-hearted will get disaster (V1-4, 16-17, 23-24)

God used frogs, lice, and flies to prove that He was the only God and that Pharaoh's idols were powerless. Today, anything that replaces God will ultimately bring disaster.

2. Those who obey find peace (V8-12)

As long as Pharaoh promised Moses, the disaster would stop. God gives people time to repent and is slow to anger, but if people continue to be stubborn, they will eventually face judgment.

Conclusion: Choose to be a person who is not hard-hearted

Examine your heart, act now, and believe the promise. Three reflection questions:1. Are there areas of “partial control” in my life? 2. When facing God’s discipline, should I seek “an end to the disaster” or “repent”? 3. How to live out the covenant life of “no longer hardening my heart”?

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