
GK611 晨祷生命读经
主讲: 陈惠菁传道







2. 透过神迹灾祸(v3-7)











1. 神怜悯,预先警告才审判(v14-18)




我们愿意去把这些在埃及敬拜“尼罗河” 的人带到神的面前吗? 愿我们不要等到他们生命的“水”变成“血”才有所行动(这个星期六就行动吧!也邀请人来到3月9日的堂庆)

2. 人固执,将怜悯变为审判(v19-21)




3. 众假神,无怜悯加增毁灭(v22-25)







Exodus 7
Knowing that the Lord is God

GK611 Morning Devotion
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Ps Deborah

Introduction:Choosing to Let Go

I. God Reveals Himself (Exodus 7:1-7)

1.Through Working with People (v1-2)

God could have simply breathed and wiped out the entire Egypt. Yet, He patiently and repeatedly persuaded Moses. Why? Because God wanted to reveal Himself through working with people. He desires human participation in His plans, and through interaction with Him, we come to know Him more deeply.

God views people from the perspective of the tree of life. Even though Moses was still weak at the time, God saw the future Moses. The Israelites were still slaves, but God called them the army of the Lord.

God gives us the opportunity to experience and know Him more deeply through service. Therefore, we should cherish such opportunities. Additionally, may we also view weak or failing people through God‘s eyes, seeing the future person who will be lifted up by the all-powerful God!

2.Through Miracles and Plagues (v3-7)

God told Moses that He would perform many signs and wonders in Egypt, ultimately delivering the Israelites from slavery. These signs and wonders were the ten plagues that struck Egypt. Were these acts of God miracles or disasters?

Miracles or disasters? The key lies in human choice.

The process of God saving the Israelites was also a process of testifying to the Egyptians. Whether miracles or plagues, God‘s purpose was singular: to make people know that He alone is God!

May we, like Moses and Aaron, do exactly as the Lord commanded them. May we respond appropriately to the Holy Spirit‘s revelation and reminders, so that we may come to know God more deeply through His miracles.

II. God‘s Supreme Authority (Exodus 7:8-13)
The serpent mentioned in this chapter is referred to in the original text as a “dragon, great serpent, or sea monster,” distinct from an ordinary snake. In ancient Egyptian mythology, many idol gods were depicted as serpents. The Uraeus, a cobra on Pharaoh‘s crown, was seen as Pharaoh’s guardian deity.

The staff represents authority. This passage demonstrates God‘s supreme authority and power. The Egyptian magicians used sorcery to perform similar signs, seemingly matching God’s works on the surface. However, Aaron‘s staff ultimately swallowed theirs, showing that God’s authority far surpasses the powers of darkness.

Testimony: Evil spirits could not possess a medium because Christians were present.

God‘s authority exists to destroy all the power of the enemy. In the face of the world’s challenges, do we believe in God‘s supreme authority? In difficult times, are we willing to submit to God and witness His power? May we learn from the faith of Moses and Aaron, relying on God’s might and not being deceived by the illusions of the world (superpowers, philosophies, worldly wisdom).

III. Mercy and Judgment (Exodus 7:14-25)
1. God‘s Mercy: Warning Before Judgment (v14-18)

God does not bring judgment suddenly. Instead, He gave repeated warnings before each of the ten plagues, hoping Pharaoh would repent. However, Pharaoh‘s heart remained hardened, and he refused to listen. Ultimately, God’s judgment had to come.

In today‘s world, many still rely on and worship the “Nile”—money, power, achievements, and their own intelligence. They exalt false gods and indulge in sin. All of this will lead to God’s judgment. Yet, God is merciful. His judgment is not meant for destruction but to make people know that He is “the Lord, the one true God.”

Just as He called Moses from the burning bush, God is calling out to us today: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me!”

Are we willing to bring those who worship the “Nile” in Egypt before God?

May we not wait until the “water” of their lives turns to “blood” before we act (let‘s take action this Saturday and invite people to the church anniversary on March 9th!).

2.Human Stubbornness Turns Mercy into Judgment (v19-21)

Pharaoh‘s hardened and stubborn heart, unwilling to let the Israelites go, turned God’s mercy into judgment.

In real life, many people are like Pharaoh—stubborn and clinging to what little they have. Beyond material things, some hold onto completely worthless stubbornness, such as unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, and self-righteousness.

Are there any stubborn, unyielding attitudes in our lives that displease God and lead to situations like the dead fish and stinking river in verse 21? May the Holy Spirit reveal to us, helping us quickly surrender these things so that God can correct us.

3.False Gods Bring Destruction Without Mercy (v22-25)

This passage shows that false gods have no goodness. They cannot perform constructive miracles that bring cleansing. Instead, they bring only more destruction and stinking blood! Anything exalted above God becomes a false god in people‘s hearts. In the modern world, many seemingly powerful “false gods” appear reasonable on the surface but ultimately lead not only to personal destruction but also harm those we love.

Conclusion: God‘s Mercy or Permission?

1. God is first merciful, then permissive. He calls people to repentance through warnings, miracles, and grace.

2. Our response determines whether we come to know Him through His mercy or His judgment.

May we all remain alert, humble, and obedient. Let us not allow God to permit our hardened hearts to face judgment.

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