怕当父亲 却作了好爸爸
现在回想,我的父亲其实是非常爱我的,虽然有一段时间我们的关系很疏离。因为我记得他曾经对我说过一句话: '孩子你要过怎么样的生活,你自己选择,但是我们家的大门,永远为你打开。' 现在我更加明白这句话,因为我也当了父亲,原来不管孩子多烂多坏,为父的永远欢迎孩子回家,永远会接纳自己的孩子。
当了父亲,我终于明白为父的心肠就是,无论任何的事物都会为孩子着想,要给孩子最好的。 而曾经以为做爸爸是很麻烦的事,但是主耶稣完全改变了我的想法,因为很多问题在人是找不到出路的,但是因为主耶稣是开道路的神,所有的困境在神都是有出路的! 所以现在我在基督里,是一名很轻省的父亲。
Fear of being a father but becomes a good father
IP Daniel Kew
My father is a Taxi driver. He is a very optimistic person and has never had difficult requirements towards his five children. I would consider him a father who loves his children.
My relationship with my father begun to distance after I graduated from secondary school. As I went out to the society to work, I associated with the wrong people and got hooked onto drugs. I had few meaningful conversations with my father, and our relationship became even colder after a few times of me going in and out of jail.
When I think back, I realize that my father actually loves me a lot. He once told me, “My child, it is up to you to live whatever life you want but the doors if our house will always be open to you.” It is only when I have become a father myself that I can fully appreciate what he meant. No matter how astray a child gets, a father will always be willing to accept his child with open arms.
In the past, the thought of marriage, much less being a father, was never something I thought about. Furthermore, I felt like bringing up children was a troublesome task. But when I became a father, I realized that even feeding my child brings a sense of bliss to me. When I see the look of content on their faces, I feel a sense of contentment.
Because I have been in and out of jail many times in the past, I thought I was already a person whose life was set in stone. In the face of anything, I did not need to think too much nor worry. But when my younger daughter was deemed by the doctors to be a cripple for life, I thought about what it would be like to have to push her around in a wheelchair all the time. Would I be able to make some better arrangements for her? This was when I started to think about her future. It was only after I became a father that I realized that a father would never stand idly by while his child faces a problem. He will actively look for solutions. I used to think that being a father is a troublesome thing. Now that God has completely changed my mindset, I know that God will make a way even when there seems to be no way. So now I am in Christ and I am a very light-hearted father!