圣灵参透万事,记得有一次在聚会时,我听到圣灵跟我说叫我的组员Maria去寻找她的父亲。Maria的父亲是菲律宾人,在她还没有出生之前就已经离开了他们。因此她从来没有看过父亲的样子,也不知道父亲在那里。要寻找父亲就有如海底捞针。当我从圣灵领受时,顿时犹豫了一下。觉得这个领受太突兀了,不知对方会怎么想?会不会冒犯人家呢?尤其她妈妈会怎么看呢? 心里虽然七上八下,但最后还是顺服圣灵的感动,聚会完后去跟Maria说我的领受。当我去告诉她时,原来她同时也在聚会时领受同一个感动,要寻找亲生父亲这件事。当下我们都同感这是圣灵的带领。但是要从何下手呢?父亲还健在吗?还在新加坡吗?人海茫茫怎么找呢?首先想到菲律宾大使馆,但是没有结果。后来再祷告寻求,最后竟然是通过Facebook ,找到了她的父亲。一位已经定居在美国的热心基督徒。不久后,父亲还特地飞来新加坡,父女相认,并在教会的聚会中与前妻道歉,修复过去彼此伤害的关系。为几十年前的遗憾画上了完美的句号。这样的经历很像是在看电影,这种事只有圣灵才做得到不是吗?
马太福音 19:26 “在人这是不能的。在神凡事都能。
Receiving the Holy Spirit and entering into the prophetic ministry
Dione Chew
Since young, I followed my parents to attend a traditional church. In my memory, I have never heard about Holy Spirit and naturally I would not have ministry in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. Faith to me was just the religion of my family. When I started to work and became financially independent, I stopped attending church.
Later, I married Robeen, who was not a Christian and of course neither of us would go to church. Until one day, Robeen’s father suddenly accepted the Lord in GK611. During a family visitation, Pastor Tan met Robeen and immediately led him to accept the Lord. Since then, our whole family attended the service at GK611, together with my father in-law and mother in-law.
Not long after, the church held a special healing session, the speaker was a pastor from the United States with a strong anointing in the gift of healing. That night, I saw many supernatural healings by the Holy Spirit, such as hands and legs that were not of the same length were leveled, pain problems were healed immediately. These happened before the people. The miracles recorded in the Bible can also happen in our midst. What Jesus said about the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts are real. In one of the special meeting, when I was prayed for, the Holy Spirit filled me. I vomited and coughed, later I understood that it was a kind of deliverance. At that moment, I felt an indescribable peace in my heart. Since then, I desire to draw closer to God. That night, I could not sleep and I heard a voice calling me to return home. At that moment, I did not understand what was the meaning? Later, I knew that voice was calling to return to the house of God because I have left church for many years.
After knowing the Holy Spirit, I was changed from a lukewarm Christian to a fervent Christian. I also began to be involved in shepherding and ministries. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, He lives in me. Later, when the church conducted a prophetic training course, I thank God, I received the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is to glorify God, serve man and be a witness for the Lord.
The Spirit searches all things. I remembered in one of the meetings, the Holy Spirit prompted me to tell my cell member, Maria, to look for her father. Maria’s father is a Filipino and he left them before she was born. Therefore, she has never seen her father and did not know where he is. To search for her father is like looking for a needle in a haystack. After I received this prompting from the Holy Spirit, I hesitated for a while. I felt this prompting may be too abrupt. I did not know what the other party will think? Will I offend her? Especially what would her mother think?
Although my mind was unsettled, but finally I obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and told Maria after the service regarding the revelation. She responded by saying she also received the same prompting to search for her father. At that moment, we felt it was the leading of the Holy Spirit. But where to start searching? Is her father still alive? Is he still in Singapore? How to find him? Initially, we thought of the embassy of Philippine but it was futile. Then we prayed and eventually we found her father through the Facebook. His father was a fervent Christian who resides in America. Not long after that, Maria’s father flew to Singapore to meet up with her. He apologized to his ex-wife in a church service. Past hurts were healed and brought about reconciliation. These also put a wonderful end to the regrets of past decades. Such experience was like watching a movie. Isn’t this only what the Holy Spirit can do? This is just one of my experiences in prophecy revelation. I have many other different experiences, just like what is stated in 1 Corinthians 14, “..he who prophesies edifies the church.” Right now, this gift is edifying people’s lives in the church.
Matthew 19:26, “…With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
May all the glory go to our Almighty Lord and the Holy Spirit who grants revelations. Amen!