
GK611 晨祷生命读经
主讲: 郑伟健实习传道

引言:不听话的后果 一、立约回应 – 信守诺言(出24:1-8)

1. 先立约,才能上山

神呼召摩西、亚伦、亚伦的两个儿子拿答和亚比户,以及七十位长老上山,但他们不能随意 靠近,必须先洁净自己,与神立约。这表明人与神的关系不是随意的,而是基于神圣的约和 血的代价。血象征生命(利 17:11),只有借着赎罪之血,人才能得以亲近神,进 到祂的同 在中。


百姓两次说:“凡耶和华所说的,我们都要遵行。”(出 24:3,7),但事实是,他们四十天后就 制造了金牛犊!这反映出人的软弱:承诺容易,持守困难。



1.⁠ ⁠七十长老— 离开神山,自立偶像


2.⁠ ⁠亚伦和户珥 —随波逐流,失去立场


3.⁠ ⁠拿答、亚比户-因轻忽神,被神击杀


4.⁠ ⁠约书亚—耐心等候,蒙神重用

摩西往山顶走,约书亚却留在山腰,一等就是四十天!他没有像长老一样下山,没有像百姓 一样造金牛犊,他忠心坚守自己的位置!

5.⁠ ⁠摩西顺服——忠心向前,蒙神拣选

摩西独自上山,忠心聆听神的吩咐。他的忠心使他成为神特别拣选的器皿 。





Exodus 24
Everyone Takes His Place and Stands Faithful

GK611 Morning Devotion
The Morning Devotion Speaker: IP Asher

Introduction: The consequences of disobedience I. Covenant Response – Keeping the Promise (Exodus 24:1-8)

1. Make a covenant before going up the mountain

God called Moses, Aaron, Aaron’s two sons Nadab and Abihu, and seventy elders to go up the mountain, but they could not approach at will. They had to purify themselves and make a covenant with God first. This shows that the relationship between man and God is not casual but based on a sacred covenant and the price of blood. Blood symbolizes life (Lev. 17:11). Only through the blood of atonement can man be close to God and enter into His presence.

2. Promises made with the mouth, but not with the heart

The people said twice, “We will do everything the Lord has spoken.” (Exodus 24:3, 7), but the fact is that they made a golden calf after forty days! This reflects the weakness of human beings: it is easy to make promises, but difficult to keep them.

II. Everyone in their place - Waiting faithfully (Exodus 24:9-14)

God calls different people to different levels. Some watch from afar, some climb halfway up the mountain, and some enter God's presence. But the real test is: where will you wait? Can you faithfully keep your position?

1. ⁠ ⁠ The Seventy Elders - Left the Mountain of God and Set Up Their Own Idols

They were supposed to "watch from afar", but they lost patience after waiting for too long and eventually went down the mountain to worship the golden calf.

2. ⁠ ⁠Aaron and Hur - Drifting with the crowd and losing their stance

As spiritual leaders, they should have stood firm. But when the people urged him, he drifted with the crowd and made a golden calf!

3. ⁠ ⁠Nadab and Abihu - Killed by God for neglecting God

They had seen the glory of God with their own eyes (Exodus 24:9-10), but later they neglected God and offered "strange fire" without authorization and were killed by God as a result!

4. ⁠ ⁠Joshua—Waited patiently and was greatly used by God

Moses went to the top of the mountain, but Joshua stayed on the mountainside and waited for forty days! He did not go down the mountain like the elders, nor did he make a golden calf like the people. He faithfully held on to his position!

5. ⁠ ⁠Moses' obedience - Faithfully moving forward, chosen by God

Moses went up the mountain alone and listened faithfully to God's instructions. His faithfulness made him a special vessel chosen by God.

III. God’s intentions - people’s responses (Exodus 24:15-18)

God created the world in six days, but spent forty days and nights to instruct Moses, because people’s sinful nature is stubborn, and God’s patience is great! However, the people could not even wait for forty days and fell into the sin of the golden calf.

Conclusion: Will you stay on the mountain?

Everyone, take your place and stay faithful!God's glory is only revealed to those who are willing to wait, obey, and have firm faith. May we all be like Moses and Joshua until the day we see God!

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