Book of Numbers 35

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民数记 第三十五章|Book of Numbers 35






一、活在恩典中 (v1-8)


二、神顾惜怜悯 (v9-32)

1.神要施恩给人 (v9-15)


2.故杀人必治死 (v16-21,30-31)


3.误杀人得拯救 (v22-29)




三、神圣洁居所 (v33-34)




Numbers Chapter 35: Becoming a Dwelling Place of God's Holiness
GK611 Morning Devotion
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Ps Stella Ling


God desires that His people, in the midst of the dwelling place He has prepared for them, will continue to be God-centred and holy in all aspects of their lives.

1. Living in grace (v1-8)

God scattered the Levites among the twelve tribes in order that they might teach the people the law and be responsible for administering judgment. The Levites received a dwelling place among God's people and brought them into grace to help God's people live in the promises for a long time.

2. God is mindful of mercy (v9-32)

(1) God will show mercy to man (v9-15)

People are created in the image of God, and whether they are killed or murderers, their lives are equally precious in God's sight. God also does not want to see sinners who kill people by mistake fall into death, and therefore specifically set up a “city of refuge" (v11) for the people, with the intention of making a way out for them so that they can be redeemed.

(2) Therefore, if you kill someone, you will be put to death (v16-21,30-31)

God's purpose in arranging the refuge from the city was not to condone sin, but to redeem those who had not willfully sinned. Therefore, those who kill for a reason will be put to death, and only those who kill by mistake will enjoy the shelter from the cities of refuge. Whoever kills a man intentionally, for whatever reason, his blood will be shed.

(3) The manslayer is saved (v22-29)

The manslayer will be judged in the city of refuge. If he is convicted of manslaughter, he will remain in the city until the death of the anointed high priest, when he may leave the city and return to his home, and those who avenge his death will not be allowed to kill him. But if the manslayer disregards God's mercy and goes out of the city of refuge, the avenger of blood shall kill him without the sin of bloodshed.


The “cities of refuge” reveals on the one hand God's righteousness and holiness in not allowing sin to remain among the people, and on the other hand reveals God's mercy, grace, and love in giving hope to those who are willing to confess their sins and repent.

3. God's holy dwelling place (v33-34)

Because God dwelt in the midst of Israel and revealed Himself through Israel, the people were not to defile the land in which they dwelt, or God would surely pursue them. For the land belongs to God, and God is holy. Therefore, God wanted the people to set up such an important arrangement as a “city of refuge” precisely so that the people could not defile the land they lived in, and live long in the promises of God.


Brothers and sisters, God dwells among us today, and we are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we should not allow the world and the enemy to defile our bodies, minds, words and deeds, so that God will always be with us and be pleased with us.