Book of Numbers 23

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民数记 第二十三章|Book of Numbers 23







1. 神迎见巴兰传话给他(V1-6)



2. 神没咒诅的谁能咒诅(V7-8)


3. 以色列是神独特选民(V9-12)










三、蒙蔽来自不相信真神 (V27-30)





Numbers 23 God’s wonderful works of blessings
GK611 Morning Devotion
23 April 2024
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Ps Daniel Kew


This chapter records that Balaam wanted to curse twice, but God blessed the children of Israel through his mouth. Let us see God’s wonderful works of blessings!

1. God sent a message to Balaam for the first time (V1-12)

(1) God met Balaam and sent him a message (V1-6)

Balaam’s sacrifice was not pleasing to God, because his sacrifice was not humbly seeking God’s will, but flattering and using God to make God do what he wanted to do. So God gave His Word to Balaam, turning Balaam's curse into a blessing.

If we sacrifice and worship God to satisfy our selfish desires and achieve our own goals, we are using God. God knows our hearts, and He won’t let us take advantage of them!

(2) Who can curse what God has not cursed (V7-8)

Originally, Balaam came to curse the Israelites. Now he said: How can I curse those whom God has not cursed?

(3) Israel is God’s uniquely chosen people (V9-12)

God blessed Israel through Balaam and declared that they were God's uniquely chosen people. They would become a great nation. God regarded them as righteous so no curse could fall on them.

God miraculously spoke blessings to the Israelites through Balaam. This allows us to see that God sees them as unique and precious chosen people and has been protecting them. We are all God’s chosen people. When we see this, we should have complete trust in God!

2. God sent a message to Balaam for the second time (V13-26)

Although Balak asked Balaam to change places to continue the curse, God's will did not change in any way. At the new place of sacrifice, God sent another message to Balaam, once again turning the curse into a blessing.

(1) God’s promise will come to pass (V19-21)

Shouldn’t God’s Words come true? What God has blessed, He will continue to bless, so Balaam will also bless Israel. He could only say what God commanded him to say. God’s Word is eternal and unchanging, and He is with His people and blesses them forever.

(2) God will do great things for Israel (V22-26)

God has brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and now He declares that He will protect them from all magic and divination, and will make them strong and brave people so that the Gentiles will be shocked to say what great things God has done for the Israelites.

God turns this curse into a blessing, telling us that no one can change God's plan, and His plan for our lives will not be changed, and He will do great things for us. What He promises will surely come true.

3. Deception comes from not believing in the true God (V27-30)

Balak and Balaam still changed places again and again to curse Israel. They were so deceived because they did not believe God's message that they repeatedly did wrong things in their way.

Sometimes we are like this. When things don't go well, we always think it's the environment or other people's problems. We don't think about whether what we do is in line with God's will, and we fall into making the same mistakes again and again.


Today we must experience God’s wonderful works of blessings in our lives with the confidence that God’s promises will come true!