Book of Numbers 10

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民数记 第十章|Book of Numbers 10





















拔营起行有云柱遮阳、约柜同行仇敌四散、约柜停住神也同在。 原来人生的每一步都可以有神引领,这还能不蒙福吗?

Numbers 10 Arise,Advance and receive God’s grace
GK611 Morning Devotion
27 March 2024
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Rev David Tan

Introduction:Life's road of no return ----; but we are moving toward God's Promised Land!

1. The trumpet prepares the congregation to rise up and go (V1-10)

The trumpet is God's musical instrument and weapon; the blowing of the trumpet serves the following types of actions:
(1) Generally blowing a double trumpets to summon the whole congregation (V3)
(2) A single silver trumpet is blown to summon only the leaders (V4)
(3) The loud blowing of the trumpet was to raise the east side of the camp (V5)
(4) Blow the trumpet again to call the southern camps to action (V6)
(5) The trumpet was also blown loudly in times of war (V9)
(6) Blow the trumpet at festivals (V10)

Trumpets and trumpets are God's instruments (Zech. 9:14), the sound of rejoicing, and weapons of war, especially by the children of the priests: the trumpet is used as a sign of assembling, of starting, of war, and of rejoicing!

2. Marching in formation (V11-28)

(1) God's cloud leads the way (V11-13)

"The cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle of the Testimony."? What kind of scene is this? Have you ever seen a scene created by a sunset, an evening sun, a rainbow of colors, and a thick cloud? It is a symbol of God's glorious presence. And this cloud is obviously not the kind that is far away in the sky, but right over the Tabernacle in the near distance. The so-called cloud closing up, as you can imagine, was rising quickly into the sky, getting smaller and smaller, and soon it was gone. This was God's obvious instruction to get up and move on the road.

(2) The praise tabernacle goes first (V14-17)

According to what has already been said in chapter 2, Judah, with [praise] as its banner, is the first to rise. The tabernacle of the most holy glory was to be dismantled, carried and lifted up; and one can imagine what a glorious and honourable service this procession, headed by praise and singing, was doing. Here we are reminded of the law of the advance of God's army, which begins with songs of praise, both in faith and thanksgiving first, and in allowing God to lead the way will certainly be blessed.

(3) Carrying the holy things forward (V18-21)

The army of the southern camp followed, but the Ark of the Covenant and other holy things were carried by the sons of Levi. These were holy things, and they were carried by the Levites, who were set apart. The Levites operated the holy things of God's presence, and all were to follow in order.

For New Testament Christians, it seems like we can do anything. In fact, if you are in a large-scale organisation, it is inevitable that each one will do his or her own special duty. For example, wedding and funeral liturgy, communion, baptism, laying on of hands, etc., must first be performed by the senior priesthood. However, in small group churches, the believers may do all these services.

(4) Following closely and moving ahead together (V22-28)

With the Ark of the covenant in the middle, and the other processions in the west and north following closely behind, this creates a God-centered procession. If life's family, career, and business all have God in the centre, the outlook that life presents is bound to be glorious.

3. Going to the promise and receiving good things (V29-33)

God is going to give a wonderful Promised Land, and Moses' brother-in-law, who was related to him, was certainly no exception. How could the Promised Land not be shared with those around him when there were benefits prepared by God? But is man willing to be invited to follow God's law? It is man's choice!

Conclusion: The journey of grace with God (V34-36)

The Ark of the Covenant had pillar of cloud as shading, walked with the enemies scattered, and the Ark of the Covenant stopped and God is with them. It turns out that every step in life can be guided by God, can this not be blessed?