Book of Numbers 13

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民数记 第十三章|Book of Numbers 13











1.这地如何?2.敌军有多大力量? 3.敌军的数量有多少?4.那里的住宿环境好不好?5.他们是住帐营还是有城堡?6.土地是肥沃还是贫瘠?7.该地是否有树林? 这些问题指标,主要是要掌握将来要得为业的实况,所谓知己知彼才能百战百胜。








Numbers 13: From Vision to Action
GK611 Morning Devotion
03 April 2024
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Rev David Tan


Vision is a "seeing" in thought; Movement is a "practice" in action. A life of fulfillment of God's destiny is to go from vision to action.

1. Being a leader to explore the land (V1-15)

Leadership is to have a vision. Vision comes from seeing the way ahead, and this seeing needs to be coupled with faith from God. Our church is also coming to another stage of exploring the land. The property we have at present is very small, and there are indeed many limitations for a 100-person auditorium to supply a congregation of more than 300 people. Therefore, we have to continue to pray and seek God's heart, where is the future Promised Land?

Each tribe was to send out a leader, as the tribes needed to hear first-hand from their leaders. This would have been the most appropriate protocol, but people's perspective are different.

2. The need for indicators for the land exploration (V16-20)

Moses changed the names of the chosen leaders: Hosea, meaning salvation, was renamed Joshua, meaning God saves! Putting God's name on "what saves" is complete salvation. There is a battle to win the land. And warfare absolutely requires strategy, beginning with a full understanding of the reality of the battlefield:

(1) how is the land? (2) how strong is the enemy army? (3) how many enemy soldiers are there? (4) is there good lodging there? (5) do they live in tent camps or do they have castles? (6) is the land fertile or barren? (7) is there a forest in the area? The main purpose of these questions is to grasp the reality of the future to get for the industry, the so-called know yourself and know the enemy in order to win in every battle.

3. Evidence magnifies God's promise (V21-24)

The land of Canaan was God's promise to His people. God described it as a beautiful land flowing with milk and honey; this is just a "saying", but how can it be proved? Unless someone sees it with their own eyes and provides physical evidence to prove it. So the spies brought back produce from the land, especially grape bunches that took two men to carry, and that's a pretty strong description, isn't it? It was an abundance beyond what was desired or thought, wasn't it?

4. The eye of faith is indeed different (V25-33)

Here we see two perspectives that fall far apart: one is passive, negative, fearful, and withdrawn, excluding the existence of God's promises. The second is to have God in one's heart, but only see God's works in one's eyes, and then beg the leaders not to hurry up and go up and possess the land!

With what vision do you see God's promises and leadership?

Conclusion: Ask the Lord for the eyes of faith!

We need to reconfirm God's calling and promise, review the vision we have received with certainty, and then match it with the inquiry that is needed. Then it is time to receive the vision of faith from the Holy Spirit and experience God's leading step by step.