Book of Numbers 31

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民数记 第三十一章|Book of Numbers 31






一、学会靠神 遵神旨意(V1-12)





二、彻底除罪 持守圣洁(V13-24)







三、靠神得胜 荣耀归神(V25-54)








Numbers 31: Battles won by Relying on God
GK611 Morning Devotion
08 May 2024
The Morning Devotion Speaker: Ps Stella Ling


Through Moses, God commanded the people of Israel to attack the Midianites in order to avenge the idolatry and adultery that the Midianites had induced the Israelites to do in the past.

1. Learning to trust God and do His will (v1-12)

(1) Trust with all your heart (v1-6)

God commanded only 12,000 men to go out to war, but the result was a complete victory, and not one of them died in battle, showing that the battle did not depend on the number of warriors, but that God Himself was at war. Moreover, Moses sent with him Phinehas, the son of the priest, and took with him the vessels of the sanctuary, representing the presence of God, and the trumpet, representing the command of God. Therefore, when they won the battle, they knew that it was the Lord who had made them victorious, and not by their own power.

(2) Doing what God commands (v7-12)

Although we know that God could have struck down the Midianites Himself without relying on man, God told the people of Israel to rise up and strike them down themselves, for Israel had allowed the seduction of the Midianite women, and now they must rise up and attack them themselves. So the twelve thousand Israelite males fought against the Midianites, killed all the males, and took captive the Midianite women and children, their livestock, their flocks, and all their possessions, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

2. Eliminating sin completely and pursuing holiness (v13-24)

(1) Complete elimination of sin (v13-18)

The Israelites were tempted by the Midianites to sin against the LORD by idolatry and adultery in the matter of Peor, so that the plague came upon the congregation of the LORD. Therefore, they were enemies of God and Israel and needed to be gotten rid of without leaving a gap for the people.

Today, we too must never condone sin in our lives, but must turn away from it completely in order to enter into the Promised Land that God has given us.

(2) Pursuing holiness (v19-24)

Death is unclean before God. Therefore, whoever kills a man and whoever touches the body of a slain man is unclean, and they must be cleansed for seven days by putting through the fire and purifying by water.

From this, we can see that God values holiness very highly. And, we also know that we cannot see God unless we are holy. Although ritual purification has been terminated by what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, God still requires us today to live out holiness in all aspects of our lives.

3. Victory by relying on God, Glory to God (v25-54)

(1) Remembering God's Grace (v25-37)

The defeat of Midian's army with an army of 12,000 men, the captivity of 32,000 women and 88,000 livestock of all kinds, was only possible by God's special plan and protection. From this it is clear that this war was a holy war conducted by God Himself. Therefore, they shall offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to God.

(2) Glory to God (v48-54)

The Israelites knew that it was due to God's proctection that they could win the battle and not be short of a man. The number of men sent by Israel was only 12,000, so Israel would have lost the battle just by looking at the numbers, but with God fighting for the people, God gave Israel a great victory. This was entirely a marvelous work of God, and it was God who kept and cared for His people.

As a result, these 132 military leaders gave an average of 1.45 kilograms of gold each, for a total of 16,750 shekels. This gold was brought into the tabernacle to be used as a memorial for Israel before the LORD.


Brothers and sisters, a battle with God's presence can only be won, because what is of God will be accomplished. The Israelites successfully attacked the Midianites without damaging a single soldier. It was not that the Israelites were so good at fighting, but God accomplished it behind the scenes. Therefore, we ask God to help us to walk with Him by consulting His will in everything we do or decide. For God alone enables us to live a victorious life.