Book of Romans 9

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罗马书[第9章|Book of Romans 9


主讲: 郑伟健同工







以色列民比外邦人经历更多神的恩典,甚至离神很靠近,按肉体说,耶稣也是从他们而出。 这些都是以色列人所抓紧的事,他们认为救主和应许都属于他们,当救主降临,他们都必能得着祝福。然而这些都不能使以色列人得救,因为这都是肉体、行为、律法。







1.只在乎神的怜悯 (V14-18)












Romans 9: All Promises are with God
GK611 Morning Devotion
Speaker: Co-worker Asher Chang


The rules of the game lie with the founder of the game.

1. Not in the flesh and deeds (V1-5)

(1) Grieving over the unbelief of his countrymen (v1-3)

Paul was so eager and passionate to preach the gospel to his fellow countrymen, the Israelites, that he was willing to sacrifice himself. Ask God to help us today to reach out even more to our own countrymen. Not only that, but we can also intercede for the unbelieved Jews, and even be willing to bring the gospel back to Jerusalem.

(2) The original status of Israel (V4-5)

The people of Israel experienced more of God's grace than the Gentiles, and were even close to God, and from them Jesus came, according to the flesh. These were the things that Israel clung to, thinking that the Saviour and the promises belonged to them, and that they would all be blessed when the Saviour came. Yet none of these could save Israel, for they were all flesh, works, and law.

2. Not in the will of man (V6-13)

(1) God's children are in God's promises (V6-9)

God's promises come from His election. The birth of Isaac was God's promise, and only those born under God's promise are called His children. Man cannot be a child of God by his own works, but only by the promise of God.

(2) God treats people according to His will (V10-13)

God's will in choosing people does not concern man's works, but God Himself. All power is in God's hands, and He will have mercy on whomever He wills.

3. Not in the justice of the world (V14-29)

(1) It is only about God's mercy (V14-18)

No one is worthy of God's election if it is fair and just, so God has to deal with people with mercy and grace, and God does this beyond fairness and justice.

(2) Only God's sovereignty matters (V19-29)

The parable of the potter and the clay: the clay cannot say anything to the potter, nor can it boast about itself, nor can the lowly vessel protest to the potter, for everything is according to the potter's mind. Man should seek to understand the laws of God's works, but has no right to ask God to explain His works.

4. Not in the righteousness of law (V30-33)

(1) Righteousness by faith (V30-31)

The Israelites, who did not believe in Jesus as the Christ or in the gospel, could not be justified by faith, for they were justified by works alone. Without the help of the Holy Spirit and without the life of justification by faith, a man can never be saved by his own efforts to walk in the law.

(2) Asking by faith (V32-33)

We believe in Christ, and he saves us from the law and the law of death, and freely justifies us as righteous and all comes from faith.


God's election lies not in man's flesh and position, but lies in God's promises; not for the justice of the world, but for God's mercy, election, and sovereignty; not for the pursuit of the righteousness of the law, but for the righteousness that comes through faith.

Pray that we might cease to seek righteousness in the flesh and in works, and that we might trust God more by faith; that we might treat others with faith, grace and mercy, that God's grace and mercy might be established among us, and that God's love might be greatly manifested!