Book of Romans 11

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罗马书[第11章|Book of Romans 11


主讲: 陈炎明牧师


















Romans 11: Man must hold on to the grace of God
GK611 Morning Devotion
Speaker: Rev David Tan


As the saying goes, 'Humility is a blessing, but complacency is a loss!

1. The grace of election (11:1-10)

Election is of God, who has the absolute sovereignty to choose anyone to be His vessel. It means that there are those who are chosen to be saved and those who are not chosen, and will perish. If this means what it says in a literal sense, then is God not unrighteous? How can God blame a man who is judged because he was not chosen by God? What about the responsibility of man? God's predestination and election are originally the result of God's foreknowledge and man's response to God. The omniscient God knew in advance that someone would resist to the point of death and would not believe, and so God said that he had not chosen that person. Who can receive the grace of God? Obviously those who are willing to humbly receive it.

2. Grace to the Gentiles (V11-22)

(1) To stir up the chosen one (V11-14)

The fault of the Jews means their [unbelief]! Since the elect do not believe, God simply saves the Gentiles who are willing to humble themselves and believe. That would have been too exciting for the elect! For instead of receiving the blessing that was theirs alone, the Gentiles, whom they despised, received it. How could this not cause them to be jealous? The purpose of this jealousy was to stir their hearts to repentance and to see that the blessed Gentiles were in fact believing in the Lord, who was their Messiah.

(2) Be humbled even more by grace (V15-22)

What does it mean to say that 'God is hard on those who fall'? The stumbling is not because God has not chosen, but because of unbelief. When it is known that God chose Abraham and his descendants, it was all the Hebrews. But he who does not believe becomes unelected. It is said here that God can receive a man to the olive tree of salvation, and that God can likewise cut him off from that tree. It means that man must have self-respect and stand firm, otherwise he will suffer the consequences.

3. The elect are blessed again (11:23-36)

(1) Israel will be saved (V23-28)

One day the whole house of Israel will be saved, which refers to a certain number and not to all the Jews. When will this happen? One of the mid-term indicators is that the number of Gentile converts is full. This means that the opportunity to believe in the Gospel is not for everyone, much less forever. So we must all take the opportunity to convert ourselves and our families.

(2) It is God's mysterious plan (V29-36)

God is the Lord of all, and He is gracious and merciful. Although all men have been disobedient and disobedient, they have ultimately found mercy from God. His mysteries are so unfathomable that we can only humble ourselves before Him; God is pleased to save the humble, and in fact His heart is full of mercy. We are to look to God's grace at all times.

Conclusion: Those who have been given grace are to rise up as witnesses

Every one who has received grace must rise as a witness; since the rod of salvation has fallen on us, shall we not pass it on to others?