Book of Romans 1

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罗马书[第1章|Book of Romans 1


主讲: 丘均发传道


引言 :


一、传神福音的使徒 (V1-7)




二、福音要给所有人 (V8-17)



三、不承认神惹神怒 (V18-32)



2. 神因忿怒任凭人(V24-32)




林前9:16 …若不传福音,我便有祸了。

Romans 1: Preaching the Powerful Gospel of God
GK611 Morning Devotion
Speaker: Ps Daniel

Introduction: Why was Paul passionate about preaching the gospel?

1. The Apostle who preached the gospel of God (V1-7)

Paul described himself as a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, and sent to preach the gospel of God. He considered himself to be chosen by God as an apostle to preach the gospel of God, and that he preached the gospel to all nations.

The Greek word for 'gospel' means 'good news'. The apostle Paul declares here that the 'gospel' he preached was foretold as far back as the days of the Old Testament. Some prophets foretold that Jesus Christ was a descendant of King David; that He would do signs and wonders in the world; that He would rise from the dead and reveal Himself in power as the Son of God.

We were chosen for salvation in order to preach the gospel and to proclaim the Lord Jesus as the Son of God and the Christ.

2. The Gospel is to be given to all men (V8-17)

Paul was going to Rome, and he did not only want to reach the people of Rome, but all the people. There were not only Jews in Rome, but also many Gentiles, to whom Paul said he owed a 'gospel debt', for the gospel was to be preached to all men!

Paul, who had been the culprit of the persecution of Christians, received salvation from God, and was assigned a special task to preach the gospel to all kinds of people. Therefore, Paul had to go to all those who were within his power to preach the gospel. Otherwise he would have felt indebted to them for the gospel. So we all need to have the same 'indebted to the gospel' mentality that Paul had, and actively preach the gospel to all people, because God wants to save all those who believe in Him.

3. Not acknowledging God provokes God's anger (V18-32)

(1) Deliberately denial of the true God (V18-23)

Here it is pointed out that man's ungodliness and irreverence toward God are manifested in his failure to recognise the revelation that God has brought to them through all things in heaven and earth. Moreover, they worship idols and give glory to them and to create things. Therefore, men do not sin because they do not know God, but because they deliberately do not recognise the true God.

(2) God gave man up to wrath (V24-32)

The word 'let' does not mean that God approves or indulges, but that man chooses his own way and lets him eat his own fruit. So the wrath of God is revealed in the fact that He leaves man to his own devices, and man will suffer all the consequences of his own sin. Without God in his actions, man 'indulges in shameful lusts' and 'has an evil heart and does those things which are not reasonable', which are the 21 'ungodly and unrighteous' things mentioned in verses 29-31. The 21 'ungodly and unrighteous' things mentioned in verses 29-31. Although they know that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves, but also enjoy the practice of others, and drag them into sin together! The sins listed by Paul are the sins of the world, which have been committed in the past and in the present, and are being intensified today, and the world is eating its own fruit!


1 Cor 9:16 ...woe is me if I do not preach the gospel. We all need to preach the mighty gospel of God so that more people will learn of God's power! Receiving salvation by faith! Receiving life by faith!